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Jan Michl from Norway examines the history of that over-quoted phrase and then analyses it. “Not only did it fail to bring the promised end to formalism; on the contrary, it inaugurated, and legitimized, an era of a surrepetitiously formalist approach to architecture and design.”
Ken Sanes – the age of simulation – a trove of essays by this bright Bostonian on such topics as disney, automated environments, and virtual realities.
Links aplenty to all manner of odd guilds.
Meet George Hart, geometric genius, mathematician and sculptor, and see his fine works – I think I like the SNARL series the most so far, though “Gonads of the Rich and Famous” gets my gong for naming.
Piles and piles of geometry related links. Some serious and some not so.
The acceleration of computing speeds has made the rendering of complex fractal geometries a lot easier, as this site demonstrates.
A 2003 essay by Wolfgang E. Lorenz at the Vienna University of Technology, with a section relating to built architecture.
By Christopher Rollason. Walter Benjamin’s Arcades Project draft did not get an English translation until 1999. Rollason walks us through the arcades and places Benjamin’s work in the context of the day. He also traces the effects the text has had on current thought.[04/04]
This is a great site! Still! Now 94 years old, Alan is six years into his quest to walk EVERY street in Sydney’s suburbs, jotting down notes and taking photos as he goes. Let’s hope he recovers to full speed after the hip replacement – those pics aren’t so pretty…
Some photos of the local architecture I took in November 2007, while at the local NZIA awards .
[corner of Hindley Street and Fenn Place]
[1 Farrer Place]
An innovatively-structured long time blog (of sorts), where the old becomes new again. Stephen Lauf prefers to see it as an enormous online collage.
So you can blog when you’re dead..
Lebbeus has a blog!
The page you need to know if you’re practising in Victoria, as everything changed on May 1st.