An occasional journal of Organic Architecture.
In addition to the Art Institute of Chicago’s main Goff archive, it has a small online plans archive available here, and a larger archive of Goff ephemera here .
The Frank O. Gehry building responsible for the “Bilbao Effect” – ie one great building can boost an entire city’s economy.
A government website celebrating Antoni Gaudi’s 150th birthday.
“The Buckminster Fuller Institute is dedicated to accelerating the development and deployment of solutions which radically advance human well being and the health of our planet’s ecosystems.”
Lucia Eames’ gallery extends, “the legacy and work of Charles and Ray Eames.”
The SLQ’s entrance page to its Architecture collection – little appears to be online.
Some photos before and after the 1990s additions (to Deaton’s original plans).
A Forbes profile.
The National Design Centre is the only major, public centre in Australia dedicated exclusively to design across all its disciplines.
An architectural writer at Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (a what??) maintains this meaty blog about Manhattan and architectural theory and history.
a U.S. blog on, “cities, architecture, the ‘new urbanism,’ real estate, historic preservation, urban design, land use law, landscape, transport etc etc from a mildly libertarian stance.”
A blog beaming out of San Francisco. It’s very well maintained.
A blogazine that attempts to bring you the newest of the new before anyone else does.